Dr. Laszlo Puczko, MA MSc PhD CMC

Empaneled Consultant - Wellness & Medical Travel

Professional Experience:
 László has been working in the field of travel, hospitality, leisure and health for 25+ years. László is an experience engineer, strategist, mentor and trainer, and wellbeing intelligence expert.

He has gained experiences in private as well as in public sector environments.
László is one of the very few people in the world who has been active in every aspect and domain of the health, wellbeing and travel
spectrum, i.e. medical and wellness tourism, wellbeing and hospitality, spas and leisure experiences. Prior to becoming the Chief
Executive Officer and Co-Founder of HTWWLife, László worked for international advisory companies in senior management positions.
He has been extensively involved in industry as well as academic arenas, authoring numerousreports, specialist books and publications.

KPMG Travel, Leisure & Tourism Group (EMEA):
Responsible for all market research projects and market intelligence development including survey design, testing, implementation
and assessment of results. Directing subcontractors delivering field-work and coordinating both qualitative and quantitative research
Focusing on complex tasks such as country image and awareness studies in main tourism generating countries, and leading strategic
product development projects both for private and public sector clients.
Városliget Corp:
Representing the largest cultural and leisure development project in Europe for business partners in tourism, hospitality and event
management. Responsible for the project’s tourism and guest experience development elements and managing the market intelligence
collection and synthesis tasks.
Xellum Ltd:
As one of the founding partners he has been serving this boutique advisory firm for 18 years as key anchor for travel, tourism,
hospitality, leisure and entertainment arenas. Has completed numerous market intelligence and market research project for a wide
range of clients. His market research approach strongly builds on academic rigour, which ensure highly relevant and solid results for
every project. Some key projects that had a strong market research angle or component:
Project lead on the path making report for UN World Tourism Organisation and European Travel Commission titled Exploring Health
Tourism building on a global market review
Project lead on preparing Wellness Tourism Strategy for Costa Rica (ICT) a nationwide explorative study aiming at competitive
product development
Subject Matter Experts for the Wellness Tourism Strategy of Sri Lanka identifying competitive product areas and services Advisory Board Member for the Pristine (Red Sea) Project, KSA overviewing the market research component of the contractor,Co-authoring the pioneering study for Global Spa Summit titled Wellness Tourism and Medical Tourism designing and organising aglobal market study
Prepared a health tourism product development strategy for the three Baltic countries, namely Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania based on a
tri-country market review
Project lead on the Balkan-region study on the wellbeing characteristics of the 11 countries designing and managing market field

Areas of Expertise

Industry Expertise


Professional Memberships and Certifications

Former Employers