Dr. Theresa Morrison, PhD, APRN
Empaneled Consultant - Nursing, Accreditation Compliance and Process Improvement
Professional Experience:
Dr. Morrison has an extensive background in nursing and healthcare. She has held a variety of nursing roles throughout her career including bedside nurse, clinical nurse specialist, adjunct professor, and senior leader for nursing at multiple healthcare systems. Dr. Morrison has taught research methodology and analytic methods in the master’s and doctorate level, as well as facilitating capstone projects. She previously received the Florida Nurses Association award for “Excellence in Nursing Research”. She has solid leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills to establish rapport with all levels of staff and management.
Dr. Morrison, as Chief Nursing Officer, opened a 380-bed hospital February 2020 as a COVID facility in United Arab Emirates (UAE), later transforming the nursing team to provide a state-of-the art acute care and market entry in advanced oncology treatments. Manpower procurement, development, allocation and utilization of nurses and technicians. Initiated Supply chain and asset management, optimizing logistics and procurement to treatments and procedures not formally done in country.
She has developed and published on hospital acquired infections (HAI) reduction and patient safety throughout the United States and internationally. Dr. Morrison’s posters have been presented at Institute of Healthcare Information (IHI) Annual Healthcare Symposiums, 2014 2015, 2016, 2017 and at the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) Conference, 2013. She is a peer-reviewer, averaging four manuscripts a year for four to six publishers. Additionally, Dr. Morrison is a Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) reviewer for grant applications, with expertise in health workforce training, primary care delivery, rural health, working with underserved communities, and social determinants of health.
Selected Employers and Boards
The healthcare facilities across South and Eastern United States and Abu Dhabi. UAE, including but not limited to acute care hospitals, nursing home/rehabilitation centers, home health agencies, and research centers. As applicable, all Joint Commission accredited healthcare facilities, Magnet® ANCC hospitals, and Daisy Award Recognition facilities. Additionally, Dr. Morrison built and sold a nationwide, retail durable medical equipment multiple million-dollar, multiple employee company. Developed and operated Client Relationship Management for patient tracking, physician advertising, and marketing.
- Florida Cancer Control and Research Advisory Council (CCRAB) member. 2014 to 2018
- Cancer Center for Excellence Designation Committee member 2016 to 2018
- American Cancer Society (ACS) Commission of Cancer Comprehensive Community member 2016 to 2018
- Volunteer non-profit working poor and uninsured. 2002 to 2013. Nurse, electronic record designer, and grant writer. $700,000 received over 5 years.
- Volunteer overseas medical missions. 2003 to 2010 Cotija, Mexico. Operating room circulating nurse and logistics and operations of supply.
Key Projects Undertaken:
- Change agent in slashing the CLABSI rate to <1/1,000 days, lowering falls with injury rates and CAUTI rates.
- Nurse Executive Eight Week Program Using Blended Delivery.
- Words and Phrases Challenge to Improve Patient Satisfaction Scores.
- Middle Eastern Nursing Professional Practice Model 5-Year Post Implementation Evaluation.
- Establishment of the First Comprehensive Adult and Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Unit in the United Arab Emirates.
- Establishing the Role of a Nurse Retentionist in Radiology Department
- Interventional Radiology Mock Code Blue Drills and Impact on Team Vitality
- eNews Tool to Prevent Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infection
- Impact of Personalized Report Card on Nurses Managing Central Lines
Professional Memberships and Certifications :
- American Nurses Association ANCC Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist CNS-BC, 2010. Nurse Professional Development NPD-BC. 2018 Nurse Executive Advanced NEA-BC, 2019.
- Florida Nurses Association (FNA) ANA member since 2010; Abstract reviewer for annual conference. SW Region Director 2015 to 2019; FNA CNS-SIG (Special Interest Group) Co-founder and Chair 2013 to 2018; FNA Workforce Advocacy Committee Chair 2011 to 2014
- Southwest Organization of Nurse Executives (SWONE) since 2010; County Director 2014 to 2016
- National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists (NACNS) since 2008; Abstract reviewer for annual conference. Co-Chair Membership Committee 2016 to 2018
- Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing since 1980; Tau Zeta Chapter Leadership Succession Chair 2013 to 2018
- International Society of Nurse Genetics (ISONG) since 2013; ANCC External Validation –Genetics Portfolio Content Expert Panel Member 2014
Areas of Expertise
- Bedside Nursing
- Oncology Management
- Hospital Acquired Infection Prevention
- Process Improvement
- ANCC Magnet™ Program
- Accreditation Compliance
- Researcher/Publication/Presenter
Industry Expertise
- Healthcare Systems, Healthcare Departments, Specialty Clinics, BMT.
- Leadership/Management Structure
- Nursing Staff Structure/Committees
- Accreditation/Certification Program
Former Employers
- Burjeel Medical City, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- Moffit Comprehensive Cancer Center, Tampa Florida USA
- Doctorate Of Philosophy of Nursing, PA, USA
- Post Master’s Education, PA, USA
- Master’s Of Nursing, TN, USA
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing, MD, USA