Dr. Zeina Khouri-Stevens RN, PhD
Senior Director of Clinical and Operational Excellence
Established Healthcare Executive with impeccable credentials, outstanding leadership skills, and a keen grasp on healthcare management across the continuum of care. Decisive, yet compassionate business leader dedicated to making a difference by guiding transformation of healthcare delivery systems using a holistic personalized perspective and innovative access models across wide geographies & social strata. Strategic and trusted business partner, building consensus with diverse stakeholders to define patient centric standards across the continuum of care, develop personalized approaches, expand reach, and enhance profitable and sustainable growth, while ensuring excellence in care delivery.
Track record of successfully managing complex partnerships, systems, and alliances among prominent academic, corporate, and government healthcare organizations, including the Johns Hopkins Medicine, Saudi Aramco, Clemenceau Medical Center, and Emirates Healthcare Group. Transforming and advancing the Nursing profession through academic-clinical collaborations and patient centric outcomes driven didactic training, practice & research. Dedicated work to advancing the Nursing Profession in KSA and the region, through active work with the Saudi Commission Practice Council, in addition to advisory and academic roles. Excellent clinical and education credentials including the Johns Hopkins Medicine (Hospital and Bayview campus), University of Maryland, University of San Francisco, and American University of Beirut.
Consulting Expertise (Contractual)
Vmarsh Healthcare: Jan 2024 – Present
Empanelled Consultant and Expert – Nursing & Operational Excellence Services
Responsible for Co-Leading all Clinical Operational/Nursing initiatives and support on Client Management.
Cedar Sinai International: Feb 2024 – Present
Global Nurse Consultant – responsible for Nursing operations for all contracts outside the USA.
ASA Hospital – Sarajevo Bosnia: June 2024 – Present
Interim CEO and Consultant to complete operations of the first private hospital in Sarajevo, BH.
Emirates Hospitals Group: June 2022- Feb 2024
- Group Nursing Officer responsible for setting and supporting the strategies leading to financial success of the hospital
- Responsible for all operational, budgetary, staffing, training and clinical practice of all clinical services.
- Provide staff management (2000+ FTE- of which 600 are nurses) by supervising all work activities, ensuring safe and efficient staffing models, direct recruitment and hiring of quality staff and provide continuous guidance.
- Provide clinical and operational leadership to the department while collaborating with medical and operational divisions across the system.
- Lead, develop and train nursing staff to new horizons, such as Evidence Based Practice and Magnet recognition through shared governance.
Clemenceau Medical Center (CMC)- Dubai, UAE: 2018 – June 2022
- As a General Manager she is responsible for all hospital Operations including Clinical and Medical Operations
- Overseeing all staff, medical and nonmedical contracts and Partnerships ensuring continued volume growth and progressive planning for local competitive landscape.
- As a Chief Clinical Executive, she is completely responsible for all Nursing, Clinical Services and Allied Health (350+FTEs) as well as clinical operations responsibility including commissioning, licensing, and opening of the hospital.
- Responsibilities include practice, education, financial, operations and quality supervision of all nurses and allied health staff.
Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH), Dhahran, KSA (350+ bed tertiary Care Hospital): 2013 – 2018
- As a Chief Nursing Officer, she is responsible, for all Nursing and Clinical Services, across the continuum of care, including the main hospital, four district sites and 80 Remote Area Clinics.
- Responsibilities include practice, education, financial and quality supervision of nurses, respiratory therapists, rehabilitation therapists and clinical nutritionists.
- Instituting the first Doctorate of Nursing Program in KSA- in partnership with the Johns Hopkins and the SCFHS graduated the first DNP cohort in KSA.
- Trained and implemented the Johns Hopkins Evidence Based Practice Model across all Nursing Department
- Appointed member on the first Nursing Practice Council by the Saudi Commission for Health Services (SCFHS)- reviewed and restructured the Nursing Practice Act in KSA and rearranged the RN licensing system to match the scope of practice.
- Overseeing all clinical and financial aspects of the transfer of knowledge programs between JHM and JHAH. This is the core of the JV agreement and was critical in the success of the venture.
- Participating and collaborating with the IT department on implementing Epic as the electronic health record in Jan 2018
- Restructuring the Nursing and Clinical Services Department
- Help with the implementation of triad and dyad models for all clinical departments.
- Helped facilitate the employees’ transition to JHAH – a new joint venture.
- Helped in setting and implementing the strategies and values of Johns Hopkins Medicine, while adapting to the work culture and regulatory norms of the country. Creating a new combined vision and mission to guide the JV.
Strategic Planning & Business Growth
- Successfully introduced and adopted the role Nurse Practitioner at JHAH and SCFHS
- Successfully introducing the concept of care management and building a case management department for inpatient and outpatient care
- Managing labor and non-labor budgets
- Managing hospital and outpatient access (ED, OR, inpatient and outpatient).
- Managing hospital LOS and Re-admissions through case management
- Managing PC clinics and Remote Area Clinics, and third-party providers
Risk Management, Patient Safety & Quality Improvement
Coordinating JCI and CBAHI preparation and passing
Coordinating the culture of safety survey and collaborating with QI to implement patient safety best practices.
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD 1999 – 2013
Director of Nursing, Surgery & Neurosciences (Inpatient and Outpatients) 2005 – 2013
Patient Care Manager, Neuro-critical, Neuro-Intermediate & Neurosciences 2002 – 2005
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Neuro-critical, Neurosciences, Surgery & ER 1999 – 2002
- Planning and opening a new unit: Neurosciences Intermediate Care
- Managed to keep labor utilization between 98-100% as well as expenses within budget.
- Supervise clinical practice and ensure safe practice by participating in clinical practice committee as well as counseling staff.
- Continue to recruit and retain talented staff resulting in low vacancy and turnover rates.
- Trained and used the Johns Hopkins Evidence Based Practice model to lead and implement multiple initiatives.
- Co-author of chapter 2 – Evidence Based Practice Nursing – The Johns Hopkins Model
Academic Experience
Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD 2010 – Present
- Adjunct Faculty
- Lecturer and Advisor for DNP and Master’s students
- Over 15 publications and one Book Chapter
University of Wollongong – School of Health Sciences 2020 – Present
- Dubai – UAE
- Adjunct Faculty
Guest lecturer 2013 – Present
- ENA member
- UAE National Council of Rehab and Homecare Nursing
- NEBRAS – Research mentoring – UAE
Areas of Expertise
- Nursing Professional Culture
- Nursing Management and Leadership
- Implementation Nursing Science – evidence Based Practice , Nursing Research
- Executive management, consultation, coaching professional education, and facilitation
- Measurement and Analysis of Data, Group Facilitation.
- Organizational Structure and Governance
- Clinical Operations and hospital management
- Large EHR/EPR implementations
Industry Expertise
- Healthcare Systems, Healthcare Departments, Hospital Systems. General and Specialty Clinics, Rehabilitation and home care.
- Leadership/Senior Administration
- Clinical Staff Structure/Committees
- External Regulatory Agencies
- Accreditation/Certification Program
- Nursing informatics
Former Employers
- University of Maryland
- Johns Hopkins Medicine
- Johns Hopkins Medicine International
- Clemenceau Medical Center – Dubai
- Emirates Hospital Group
- Doctorate Of Philosophy of Nursing, UMD, US
- Leadership Development Program. JHM. US
- Master Of Nursing, USF, US
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing, AUB, LB