Dr. Vladimir Mozetic

Empaneled Consultant and Expert – Central Europe Business

Professional Experience

Assist. Prof. Vladimir Mozetič, MD, PhD, MHA has more that 30 years expirience in healthcare sector. He graduated from the Medical Faculty and worked at Department of Urology, University Hospital Center Rijeka, Croatia. Afterwards he has been employed in larger private and public medical institution both as urologist and CEO. During that time in Medico was firstly established OMS ISO 9001 and afterwards Temos QM Certificate. From 2017-2022 he was director and urologist at the Community Health Center of Primorsko-goranska County. Dr Mozetič now works as consultant urologist with specialization in andrology and urologic oncology and healthcare management consultant.

Dr. Mozetič is a President of Kvarner Health Tourism Cluster from 2014. The Kvarner Health Tourism Cluster now brings together 38 members/companies, both public and private, with a more than 9500 employees, from the fields of health, health industry, tourism, science, education and supporting services in order to create a recognizable and competitive health products at the regional, national and international level. Structurally, the NGO has a mission to unite, prepare and place on the market recognizable and competitive health products that will follow global trends, but still rely mainly on regional tradition, natural resources and characteristics of the local destination. Cluster is dedicated to the empowerment and development of health services in the county, in line with the regional strategic documents which define our region as a health and wellbeing destination, primarily for local citizens, as well as guests who come to our destination. Cluster has a partners all over the world.

Dr. Mozetič is a member of working groups in both Ministries of Health and Tourism and Sports in the fields of healthcare, health industry and health tourism. He is a Vice President in Association of Health Tourism at Croatian Economic Chamber and a member of the Advisory Council of the ACAP Medical Tourism Task Forces .Dr. Mozetič is a member of the European Urological Association as well as the Governing Board of the Croatian Society of Urology and Croatian Association of Business Ethics and Health Economy and Board for private practice and contracted outpatient specialistic branches in Croatian Medical Association.He is a member of the Advisory Board on EDIH-Adria (European Digital Inovation Hub) Project.

Dr. Mozetič was selected as the scientific Educational Assistant Professor at the Medical Faculty in Rijeka in the fields of urology and health management and risk management. He is coeditor and author a number of books and papers in the both fields. He is a lecturer and mentor on several faculties and business schools. He received annual award as “Project Manager“ from Croatian Manager Association (CROMA) and he received annual award of City of Rijeka for the promotion of health care as important commercial branch in region. Dr Mozetič received award “Ladislav Rakovac“ from Croatian Medical Association for the achieved results in the development of healthcare, medical thought and science

Former and Present Employers

Areas of Expertise
